カイドラ English


【ラジオ版】リトル・チャロ シーズン1 Episode-24 Sir Joseph

In the garden Charo was talking with Sir Joseph.

"I hope you are aware of what you have done to us. We were very worried about you."

"I'm sorry."

"You see, Charo, tonight, you have risked our trust in you. This is very serious. But first, let me ask you. Was there any reason for going out like this?"

"あの... I want to go home to Japan. I was lost in New York. I came to Chicago because it is closer to Japan. I was told that ... maybe I can get help, so I went out."

Sir Joseph looked at Charo carefully.

"I will."


"'I will.' It is one of Chicago's mottos. Whatever you want to do, Charo, you can make it happen. Keep trying."

"I will... I understand, Sir Joseph!"

"But you must also think of others who think of you. As long as you do not disturb the order of this place, we will trust and help you."


"It was not wise of you to go out secretly as you did tonight. You shouldn't do that again. All right?"

"I won't."


Sir Joseph was about to leave but Charo had a question.

"Sir Joseph! あの... May I ask you why dogs have ranks here?"

Sir Joseph thought for a while, then he answered.

"We need to make a respectable dog society. You see, it's not power that we seek. To be at the top means that you take on much responsibility. Responsibility to keep order among your fellow dogs. And if you carry out that responsibility, you are rewarded with trust and respect."


Sir Joseph was already heading toward the mansion. But then, looked back at Charo.

"Dreams are precious. Your dream to go back to Japan. You should never give it up.

Sir Joseph left. And Ike appeared.

"Welcome back, Charo. Are you hungry?"

"Ike! No... I'm very sorry."

"Oh, you don't have to apologize to me. Sir Joseph was the one who was really worried."

"Sir Joseph?"

"He believes it is his responsibility that all his guests are safe and sound."

"I didn't think that."

"Oh, it's just the way he is. You see, son, Sir Joseph lost his father when he was still young. He was pushed up to the top and the pressure was heavy. And then came Frank."


"Frank was strong and smart, perhaps even more so than Sir Joseph. Everybody started to compare the two. But then, one day, a puppy, a small one like you fell into a river, right in front of them."

"Oh no!"

"Frank knew right away that the currents were quick and that he would never make it. As I've said, he's very smart. But Sir Joseph, he just jumped in without even thinking. The pup was saved."

"すごいや。 Great!"

"Yes. And that moment he jumped, he said 'I will'"

"I will..."

"That how he is. Always willing. He has such a deep sense of love as well as responsibility. Since then, Frank calls him Sir Joseph, to show his respect."

"So... Sir Joseph thinks my safety is his responsibility."

"Exactly. He was out all night looking for you."

Charo thought of Sir Joseph. The way he talked to him so that he would understand.

The way he listen to him and how he even encouraged him.

All out of love and responsibility.

Just then, Candy found Charo and ran up to him.

"Charo! Where have you been?"

"I'm sorry. I made you worry."

"Well... um... I wasn't that worried, if you want to know."

A new day was dawning. The wind rustled the trees.

Candy's pink ears were lit by the morning light.

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