カイドラ English


【ラジオ版】リトル・チャロ シーズン1 Episode-25 The Party

At the Spencers', they were preparing for a big party.

It was to celebrate the 150th anniversary since the family came to Chicago.

At sundown as the musicians elegantly played their music.

The guests began to arrive one after another.

"Look! That lady! Her dress is so shiny."

"It's a party. Everyone is trying to look beautiful."

"But she's like a real princess!"

"Ah, you're such a child."

On the garden lawn guests' pets were lounging on their colorful cushions.

Among them was a big American Shorthair named Paul.

He used to be one of the top cats.

"Hey, Paul. It's good to have you back at the garden. You must be relieved.

Last year, you were with the stiff and stuffy top ones, but not any more."

"Do you mean that? Or are you just trying to be nasty?"

"Of course I mean it. Ranks. Meaw. Give it to the dogs."

Still Paul couldn't help being in a bad mood.

Last year, he was inside the mansion with the other top dogs and cats.

He liked it there.

"Shabby party. Where's the food? Aren't we even worthy to be served?"

But then came the human servants carrying silver plates full of food, food, food.

"Wow! Stop complaining. Let's eat."

The dogs and cats were all enjoying the feast to the full, all except Paul.

"Where's your pride? We deserve more!"

Charo was not quite sure what was happening, so he asked Frank.

"Is that cat the boss? Nobody is listening to him."

"They're cats. Cats are selfish. They don't like to follow orders."


"But dogs, we're not selfish. We're loyal to humans and keep our word, too. Don't you, Charo?"

"Dogs and Cats are different. That's all."

A cat cut into the conversation.

Frank ignored her, and left.

"Dogs respect order, cats don't care."

"Well, what do cats care about?"

"We care about ourselves."

Another cat joined him.

"We do respect others, though. That's why we never force ideas on each other. We're independent."

"But then ... why do you have ranks?"

"It's good to be better! You can dream of going up to the top. But we sure don't take orders."

"No? Not even from Louisa?"

"How could we? She hasn't even shown herself in pablic. She's so cool."

"Louisa is... cool."

To Charo, this was a whole new way of thinking.

At that moment, a taxi pulled up to the carriage porch

"Oh, no. A taxi. This is definitely an occasion for a limo."

A slender lady stepped out from the cab.

She was Asian with a big ribbon tied around her ponytail.

You would have to admit she was a bit out of place.

And following her with a big greenish black cat.


Charo noticed at once. It was her.

The cat that he met in Chinatown.

The door of the mansion opened and the butler came out.

"Welcome Ms. Aimee Chan. We've been waiting for you."

Everybody was surprised.

The woman was Aimee Chan herself.

The talk of the town who had miraculously made it to the top.

"Thank you for inviting us tonight. Um... may she come in, too?"

"Of course, ma,am. Your cat is just as welcome."

"Did you hear that, Louisa? Let's go."

Aimee picked up the golden-eyed cat.

Charo couldn't help staring at them.


Aimee glanced up at the grand mansion and looking straight ahead, disappeared behind the doors.

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