カイドラ English


【ラジオ版】リトル・チャロ シーズン1 Episode-46 Shota's Father

One evening, Charo was dozing off while waiting for Tomoko to come back.

Suddenly, he saw the purple smoke rise again.

"Andorra? Is it you?"

"Hello, Charo. How have you been?"

"I really wanted to see you. You appeared in Tomoko's dream, right?"

"Uh-huh. I knew she would understand and so. She is nice, isn't she?"

"Yes. She takes good care of me."

"Good. I'm very happy for you."

Andorra smiled. Thought for a while, and...

"I have some news for you today about Shota's father. He's here in New York now."



Andorra placed her hand on Charo's forehead.

Little by little, he was able to see, Shota's father.

Shota's father was a TV cameraman. He would often travel around the world to cover the news.

At the moment, he was talking with someone he was working with, a woman from a local TV station.

"This is where my son and I stayed the last time we were in the city. And from here, we went straight to the airport."

"But he was just a little pup, right? I hate to say this, but it's really tough for a stray dog to survive here. I don't think he would have made it."

"Maybe not. But still, a nice person might have found him and taken him in. Who knows?"

"Anyway, my son begged me to look for him. This Charo, he is really special."

The voice of Shota's father faded away, as well as the image.

"When was this?"


"Then, I still might be able to see him today!"

"Are you going to the hotel?"


"Of course you will, won't you? But Charo... I want you to remember something.... Nobody lives alone. That's why we need to care for each other. Help each other, when the time calls for it."

"Care for... and help each other..."

"That's right. Now, listen. If you ever have to make a decision, a big decision, and can't make up your mind, ask yourself: What is it that you really want? Follow your heart and it will lead you to the right answer."

"What is it that I really want..."

"You don't have to understand now. Just keep my words in mind. Okay? Now, wake up, and run to Shota's father."

Charo opened his eyes, and found himself back in Tomoko's room.

He jumped up.

"I need to go to the hotel."

Charo rushed to the hotel where he had stayed with Shota, a place that he would never forget.

Just when Charo had come in sight of the hotel, a few men were getting into a van.

Among them was Shota's father.

Charo was so happy, he barked with all his might.


However, before anybody noticed the little dog, the door of the van was shut.

"So I'll see you here again on Wednesday, 12 o'clock sharp."

"Got it. Wednesday, 12 noon."

"Yep, take it easy."

Charo ran as fast as he could, but the van started off.

"Wait! It's me! Charo! Don't leave me!"

Charo barked hard but the van had left with a loud roar.

Charo was lucky, though.

He did hear the last part of the conversation.

"Wednesday noon. If I come here on that day, that time, I will be able to meet Shota's father."

It was hard to believe but it was true.

Shota's father was there in New York.

Would Charo really be able to see him again? And get back to Shota?

Charo looked up at the New York sky.

He was shivering.

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