カイドラ English


【ラジオ版】リトル・チャロ シーズン1 Episode-26 Formal Invitation

At the Spencers', Charo was surprised as well as excited to know that the mysterious cat was Louisa herself.

He wanted to see her inside the mansion but the windows were too high.

He found a tree that seemed perfect.

"Maybe if I climb that tree..."

Of course, Charo is a dog, so it's impossible for him to climb up.

Still, it's Charo.

He tried and failed, tried again and failed, until finally Candy found him.

"Charo, what are you doing?"

"Uh... Nothing."

Candy ran closer, but...

O-oh! She stepped on somebody's tail.

It was Paul.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"You just stepped on my tail. I think you broke my cat bone."

"I... I didn't notice you're here. I'm really sorry."

"Ouch! Ouch!"

Candy was about to cry. Charo stepped forward.

"She's saying she's sorry."

"Who are you? You're not from around here, are you? Where'd you come from?"


"From Japan? You must be joking. Hey, guys, this little kid says he's from Japan. Can you believe it?"

The curious cats came gathering around.

"Listen, this Little Miss Fluffy-Ears was bold enough to step on my precious tail. I think it's broken now. I can't balance myself any more. Oops."

As he pretended the stumble forward, Paul reached out and almost touched Candy's ears.


Charo brushed off Paul's foreleg.

"Did you see that? This kid just made an attack on me."

Paul's voice was loud enough to attract the attention of other dogs, too.

Frank came running.

"What's going on?"

"My tail! My foreleg! I'm injured!"

"Stop faking it."

"What? Are you saying that I'm a liar?"

"I'm just saying that we should act respectfully. That's all."

"Huh, you dogs. You just serve humans the way they want you to."

"We always try to be responsible. We're not like cats."

This obviously provoked them.

"What do you mean 'We're not like cats'?"

"We're independent enough to choose the way we live. We're not like dogs."

"You're all so selfish."

"You say you're loyal to humans, but you're just afraid of living on your own."

"Say that again. You cat."

It was not looking good.

The dogs and cats were ready to pounce on each other.

But then...


Sir Joseph had heard the noise and come out.

Frank looked back and so did all the other dogs.

Paul caught the moment and jumped on Frank with his claws out.


Charo threw himself against Paul.

And this made Paul plunge into his fellow cats.

Just then...

"Charo, you're very brave."

It was Louisa.

She was watching everything from behind Sir Joseph.

All the cats and dogs suddenly calmed down.

"You just protected your fellow dogs and cats from harming each other."


"Yes, I'm her. Sorry about not telling you the truth the other night.

Listen, how would you like to come over to my place tomorrow? I would love to hear about Margherita and how things are back in New York. What do you think, Sir Joseph?"

Louisa checked with Sir Joseph.

He answered with a gentlemanly smile.

"Of course, now, you wouldn't say no to a lady's offer, would you, Charo?"

"No, Sir Joseph. I wouldn't."

Charo seemed very happy.

Sir Joseph nodded at Louisa.

"Oh, Aimee has come out. I suppose it is time for goodbye. I will be looking forward to seeing you again at our next party, Ms. Louisa."

"Same here. But that depends on whatever lies ahead of us. It was a sprended party, though. And Charo, I will be seeing you tomorrow."

"Yes. Tomorrow."

Charo did the right thing, and it was none other than Louisa who had been watching him.

Sending them off, he felt proud of himself.

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