カイドラ English


【ラジオ版】リトル・チャロ シーズン1 Episode-7 Charo, Jump!

One day, Dread ran up to Charo and Margherita.

It seemed like he had something to say.

"Charo, you're here. Good. I've been looking all over for you. I brought you some great news."


"Yeah. Listen, your country Japan is connected to our country the U.S. by ocean."


"Yeah. A big, big ocean, between the U.S. and Japan."

"Wait a minute. That means he can go back to Japan by boat?"

"Exactly. Charo, you hop onto the right boat, cross the ocean, and you'll be in Japan, just like that."

Charo was so surprised.

He always thought that airplanes were his only choice.


"Yes. I've seen big boats going up and down both the Hudson and the East River. You are so small you can easily sneak in. Nobody will notice."

"Wait a minute. Where can we find the right boat?"

"That, we have to figure out."

"So, you don't know where the boat is. No, no, no. It's too dangerous. Besides, how can you be so sure that river will take him to the ocean?"

"He can try."

"Oh, you just full of plans. That's impossible! We'll never make it."

"Or maybe we will. Who knows?"

Margherita looked away.

She couldn't believe Dread's being so unplanned.

But Charo had already made up his mind.

"I want to try."

"You don't, Charo."

"I want to go back. I want to try everything."

"That's the spirit, boy."

"Charo, you're so brave."

"To the waterfront, then."

"Let's start with the Hadson. It's closer than the East River."

The three dogs headed for the Hadson.

After crossing several avenues, they got to where the river flowed.

Upstream, they saw pier.

"See, Charo? There's a boat."


"Way up there."

"Could it ... be a Japanese boat?"

"Let's find out."

They run ahead to the pier where the big white boat was staying.

"Bingo! It says 'sushi'. It's got to be a Japanese boat."

"Yes. I see Japanese words, too."

The three dogs were all excited.

Indeed, the boat was decorated with Japanese lanterns, cherry blossoms and everything that seemed Japanese.

"Now we've got to find a way to put Charo on board."

"Right. They won't let him in through the passenger entrance."

"No, that's impossible. They'll just kick him out."

Dread looked up to the sky, thinking hard.

Then, something hit him.

"Hey, Charo, see that terrace?"

Dread was talking about the terrace of the building. It stood very close to the boat.

"Go up there and jump on to the deck of the boat."

"From there? It's ... high."

"Not that high. Just make sure you're running fast enough when you jump."


"Are you sure, honey? It looks pretty risky."

"But it's the only way. Least likely to get caught."

"Yes. I will try."

"Oh, Charo. My little hero. I'm so proud of you. Okay, I'll bark and make a scene so nobody will notice when you jump."

"Good idea. Charo, are you ready?"


"Well then, I suppose it's goodbye."

"Now, be careful not eat strange things or drink bad water on the boat. Try to hide just as much as possible. Don't trust people too easily. Some people are good, but some people can be really bad. Oh, Charo! Charo, Charo. We'll miss you. We'll miss you so much."

"I will miss you, too. Thank you. Uhm, I want to say more but I can't say it well."

"That's okay, Charo. We understand. And this unbelievably quiet dog right here is saying that he wishes the best of luck to you, too."

"I'm not saying anything."

"Oh, you males. Now go!"

"Thank you, Margherita. Thank you, Dread."

"Take good care of yourself."

"Okay, that's enough. Now move."

Dread gave Charo one light push.

Charo ran to the staircase.

"Goodbye, Charo!"

Margherita made sure Charo got to the terrace, and she started to bark.

"What is it? Get out of here. Crazy dog."

Margherita kept barking and got everyone's attention.

"Charo, now jump!"


Charo made a long jump and he fell on to the top deck near the stern of the boat.

"He did it. Good job, Charo!"

Just then, with a loud whistle the boat started to leave.

Dread and Margherita looked on as Charo's peeping face appeared from between

the handrails of the deck.

He looked both happy and sad.

"Goodbye, Margherita. Goodbye, Dread."

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