カイドラ English


リトル・チャロ シーズン1/エピソード43「Broadway ブロードウェイ」

Louis has an audition for a Broadway show and Jane decides to take Charo to the theater district with them. Charo is surprised. It is new territory for him.


Many people! Many signs!

人がいつぱい! 看板もいつぱい!

You bet! And someday, we'll be seeing Tomoko's name up there.




Yup! She's got talent. I can tell....And speak of the devil!

そうさ! トモコには才能がある。ぼくにはわかる。おっとうわさをすれば影だな。

Across the street, there's Tomoko.She's talking to somebody.


I know this is outrageous, but please.If this doesn't work out, I'll never be bothering you again. Please, sir!

無茶は分かってます お願いします!二度とご迷惑はかけませんから!

All right, all right, you win. Send your script to our agent or to the theater by Tuesday.


Great! Thank you, sir! I really appreciate it!

わあ! ありがとうございます! 感激です!

The man grabs a cab and leaves. Jane runs over to Tomoko, who is still standing there.


Tomoko! That was intense! Who was that?

トモコ! やったじゃない。誰なのあの人?

Jane! Um, he's the manager of Mr. Gesner Bernhardt, my favorite stage director. His play is starting next month and they've flown in from Germany to check things out. You know, The Red Star.




I found out that Mr. Bernhardt is looking for a new script for his next play, so...


Wow! So this might be the chance of your life!

すごい! じゃ人生のビッグ・チャンスね!

I don't know, but... Hey, Charo! What are you doing here?

どうかなあ… あらチャロじゃない! どうしてここに?

Oh, Louis seemed to want him around, so... Whoops, we're late! Tomoko, do you mind taking him with you?

ルイがいつしよに来てほしそうで… あらもう行かなくちゃ。チャロをお願いできる?

Of course not


Handing Charo over to Tomoko, Jane leaves with Louis for the audition.


Gee...my knees are still shaking....But I really feel good about myself. Thank you, Charo. You're the one who made me step forward. Hey, do you want to see my favorite theater? It's where The Red Star will be performed. I have a janitor friend who'll let me in.


They get to an old but magnificent theater. Tomoko talks to an old man, and enters the theater with Charo.

古くて壮麗な劇場 トモコはおじさんに話をつけチャロと劇場の中へ

This is where I saw my very first show with Mom and Dad. It was fabulous! We laughed, we cried.... I never knew there could be anything so special. But...that was the first and the last show that I ever saw with my dad. And that was when I decided to become a playwright!

パパとママと初めてのお芝居を見たのがここ。それはすばらしかった 笑って泣いてこんな世界があるなんて衝撃だったよ。でもそれがパパといつしよに見た最初で最後のショーだったわけ。あのとき私は劇作家になるつて決めたんだ。

You can do it, Tomoko. I know you can.

できるよ トモコならできる

Did you just say that I can do it?


Thank you, Charo. I really need that kind of support. And remember. If I can do it, you can do it. Right?


Charo is wishing he could do something, anything to help make her dream come true. After all, she is the one who saved his life.


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