カイドラ English


リトル・チャロ シーズン1/エピソード24「Sir Joseph 帝王ジョゼフ」

After midnight at the Spencers’, Charo faces Sir Joseph.


Now, was there any reason for going out like this?


I want to go home to Japan. I was lost in New York. I came to Chicago because it is closer to Japan. I was told that...maybe I can get help, so I went out. I'm sorry.


Sir Joseph looks at Charo carefully.


"I will.” It is one of Chicago's mottos. Whatever you want to do, Charo, you can make it happen. Keep trying.

l will.シカゴにはこんなモットーがあるんだよ。どんな願いも強い意志でかなえることができる。がんばり続けることだね

I will. I understand, Sir Joseph!

l will.わかりました サー・ジョゼフ!

But still, it was not wise of you to go out secretly as you did tonight. You shouldn't do that again, all right? And as long as you do not disturb the order of this place, we will trust and help you.

しかし今夜のようにこつそり出て行くのはいけない二度としてはいけません いいね?ここの秩序を乱しさえしなければきみを信じて助けよう

Trust and help.... Yes!

信じて助ける はい!

Sir Joseph leaves, and Ike appears.


Welcome back, Charo!


Ike! I'm very sorry.


Oh, you don't have to apologize to me. Sir Joseph was the one who was really worried.


Sir Joseph?


Yes. You want to hear his story? You see, Sir Joseph lost his father when he was still young. He was pushed up to the top, but then came...Frank.

ああ 彼の話を聞きたいかい?サー・ジョゼフは若いときに父を亡くしいきなりトップに押し上げられたんだ。だがそこヘフランクがやって来た



Frank was strong and smart. Everybody started to compare the two. But then one day...a small puppy like you fell into a river, right In front of them. Frank knew right away that the currents were quick and that he would never make it. But Sir Joseph, he just jumped in! Without even thinking…. The pup was saved.

フランクは強くて頭もよかった。皆2匹を比べたよ。そんなある日きみくらいの子犬が2匹の目の前で川に落ちたんだ。フランクは流れの速さを瞬時に判断してこれは無理だと考えたところがサー・ジョゼフはすぐに飛び込んだ 考えもせずに!そして子犬は助かった


Yes! And at the moment he jumped, he said, "I will.” That's how he is, always willing. He has such a deep sense of love as well as responsibility. Since then, Frank calls him Sir Joseph, to show his respect.

そうとも! 彼は飛び込む瞬間“l will.”と言ったそうだ。彼は何にでも自分から飛び込んでいく−とても深い愛情と責任感を持っている犬なんだ。そのときからフランクは敬意を表して「サー・ジョゼフ」と呼ぶようになった

So...Sir Joseph thinks my safety is his responsibility.


Exactly. He was out all night looking for you.


Just then, Candy finds Charo and runs up to him.


Charo! Where have you been!?

チャロ! どこ行つてたのよ!?

I'm sorry. I made you worry.

ごめんね 心配させちやつて

Well...urn.J wasn't Maf worried, if you want to know.


A new day is dawning. Candy's pink ears are lit by the morning light.

新しい一日の始まり キャンディのピンクの耳が朝日に輝いていました。

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